2010年11月29日 星期一

The Futuristic Taiwan Tower-Utopia of design

     Utopia is the meaning of ‘no place’, meaning a design that is ideal and a place of dreams. It is not limited or restricted, a design that aims to improve the world. There will be a new architecture built in Taichung, Taiwan's third largest city. The futuristic tower is called "Floating Observatories"as there will be eight floating elevators going up and down along the central trunk . This conceptual design is by the company Dorin Stefan Birou Arhitectura (DSBA), Upgrade Stuio and Mihai Cracium. It is the winner design picked from the Taiwan Tower Conceptual International Competition. This design was influenced by science fiction computer games. Those leaves shaped  floating elevator move up and down on a vertical track positioned within a strong electromagnetic field and are “self-sustained” by helium balloons. The building will be over 300 meters high and the outlook represented the “technological tree” and leaf shaped elevator observatories at the trunk. The tower will be 300 meters high and there’ll be information center, museum, office tower, conference venue, floating elevator observatories decks, restaurants and an urban park within. And seems like it will became another major representation of Taiwan. The design is with a very modern and metalized. Each floating elevator observatories are made of lightweight materials and can take up to 80 people every time. “The design’s “green” features include a small footprint, natural ventilation through the “chimney” effect, turbines and solar cells to generate power for the building, a fiber optics dome to light basement areas and museum spaces, and rainwater collection and purification. There is also a geothermal power plant in the basement for heating in winter and for heating water.” (PhysOrg.com)
      Credits to PhysOrg.com



2010年11月29日 星期一

The Futuristic Taiwan Tower-Utopia of design

     Utopia is the meaning of ‘no place’, meaning a design that is ideal and a place of dreams. It is not limited or restricted, a design that aims to improve the world. There will be a new architecture built in Taichung, Taiwan's third largest city. The futuristic tower is called "Floating Observatories"as there will be eight floating elevators going up and down along the central trunk . This conceptual design is by the company Dorin Stefan Birou Arhitectura (DSBA), Upgrade Stuio and Mihai Cracium. It is the winner design picked from the Taiwan Tower Conceptual International Competition. This design was influenced by science fiction computer games. Those leaves shaped  floating elevator move up and down on a vertical track positioned within a strong electromagnetic field and are “self-sustained” by helium balloons. The building will be over 300 meters high and the outlook represented the “technological tree” and leaf shaped elevator observatories at the trunk. The tower will be 300 meters high and there’ll be information center, museum, office tower, conference venue, floating elevator observatories decks, restaurants and an urban park within. And seems like it will became another major representation of Taiwan. The design is with a very modern and metalized. Each floating elevator observatories are made of lightweight materials and can take up to 80 people every time. “The design’s “green” features include a small footprint, natural ventilation through the “chimney” effect, turbines and solar cells to generate power for the building, a fiber optics dome to light basement areas and museum spaces, and rainwater collection and purification. There is also a geothermal power plant in the basement for heating in winter and for heating water.” (PhysOrg.com)
      Credits to PhysOrg.com

