2010年11月7日 星期日

Fonts and word sizes bring differences

Texts are always one of the main design elements that we don’t pay much attention on. It helps bringing the meaning and message of the design in the direct way. It’s the main content of the design and sometimes it might tell viewers a totally different or opposite message with the graphic. Different font and style may affect the meaning to the words. For example, for a caution, you  may use “Impact” and you may use some scary font for horror theme. They give a distinct tone to the design with different layers and effects too.

This dynamic piece is from a novel called “the mayor’s tongue”. We can see the wordings are perfectly fitted into the shapes and size of the graphics. The series of words from small to large, from large to small brings the energetic mood which brings viewers the feeling that it’s not a romantic or tragic story. But probably gossiping about how talkative the mayor is or how well his speeches are. There’re also movements of those wordings in black from the left up corner to the right down corner. That is, this design also reflected the importance of locality of wordings.



2010年11月7日 星期日

Fonts and word sizes bring differences

Texts are always one of the main design elements that we don’t pay much attention on. It helps bringing the meaning and message of the design in the direct way. It’s the main content of the design and sometimes it might tell viewers a totally different or opposite message with the graphic. Different font and style may affect the meaning to the words. For example, for a caution, you  may use “Impact” and you may use some scary font for horror theme. They give a distinct tone to the design with different layers and effects too.

This dynamic piece is from a novel called “the mayor’s tongue”. We can see the wordings are perfectly fitted into the shapes and size of the graphics. The series of words from small to large, from large to small brings the energetic mood which brings viewers the feeling that it’s not a romantic or tragic story. But probably gossiping about how talkative the mayor is or how well his speeches are. There’re also movements of those wordings in black from the left up corner to the right down corner. That is, this design also reflected the importance of locality of wordings.

