2010年11月1日 星期一


A documentary film “Objectified” by Greg Hutwit, talks about different industrial objects and the progress of design. I remember it talked about the Japanese toothpick that we, Asian, always use but didn’t realized the design. The tail of the toothpick can be removed as a sign of used and also used as a rest for the toothpick. Other than that, there’re the CD player and the tote bag designed by the Japanese designer, Naoto Fukasawa. The CD player is a simple square shaped box on the wall. The album will start playing once to pull the robe hanging below the box. It’s a modern design with everything in white. Yet, it uses similar structure of a lamp and placing it to a CD player which is quite interesting. On the other hand, he designed a tote bag. What’s special about it is that it has a shoe bottom attached to the bottom of the bag. It’s a circumspective because when people are holding lot of things at a time, they can put the tote on the floor without haven’t it falling. Chair designer, ronan & erwan bouroullec and Paul tahon, demonstrated some of their designs. They’re mostly in simple and modern and clean shapes. The red chair above is an example. The inspiration of this design is from vegetables and plants. The detail of the chair represents branches gently curving to form the seat and the back. The plant like branches gives us the sense of geometry of the model.



2010年11月1日 星期一


A documentary film “Objectified” by Greg Hutwit, talks about different industrial objects and the progress of design. I remember it talked about the Japanese toothpick that we, Asian, always use but didn’t realized the design. The tail of the toothpick can be removed as a sign of used and also used as a rest for the toothpick. Other than that, there’re the CD player and the tote bag designed by the Japanese designer, Naoto Fukasawa. The CD player is a simple square shaped box on the wall. The album will start playing once to pull the robe hanging below the box. It’s a modern design with everything in white. Yet, it uses similar structure of a lamp and placing it to a CD player which is quite interesting. On the other hand, he designed a tote bag. What’s special about it is that it has a shoe bottom attached to the bottom of the bag. It’s a circumspective because when people are holding lot of things at a time, they can put the tote on the floor without haven’t it falling. Chair designer, ronan & erwan bouroullec and Paul tahon, demonstrated some of their designs. They’re mostly in simple and modern and clean shapes. The red chair above is an example. The inspiration of this design is from vegetables and plants. The detail of the chair represents branches gently curving to form the seat and the back. The plant like branches gives us the sense of geometry of the model.

