2010年11月8日 星期一

Special messege when image combines with wordings.

I was taking a black and white photography class last year spring at my previous college and there was an assignment “photographs and words” which the professor asked us to write a line or some wordings on the print of photograph. I was at home looking for things that I can write some words on with meanings and I saw some photographs that I’ve taken with my sister and few friends on my desk. I took few snaps on it and I put some changes and coins on top of them. The photograph was with happy face and memories; everyone seems to be happy at the moment. And then I wrote a sentence on it, it says “I pray to got that we’ll never change”. At first I wrote this line just because I want this friendship or sister ship to last forever. On the critique day, the class was commenting about my photograph and the professor thought for a little while and he sees an implication in it. Even though I wrote the line “I pray to god that we’ll never change”, he noticed that there’re a lot of changes in the photograph. And the deep and implying side of them picture is trying to tell people, although how much you don’t want this pretty moments to go, they world’s keep changing anytime, you just need to cherish the moment when you have it.



2010年11月8日 星期一

Special messege when image combines with wordings.

I was taking a black and white photography class last year spring at my previous college and there was an assignment “photographs and words” which the professor asked us to write a line or some wordings on the print of photograph. I was at home looking for things that I can write some words on with meanings and I saw some photographs that I’ve taken with my sister and few friends on my desk. I took few snaps on it and I put some changes and coins on top of them. The photograph was with happy face and memories; everyone seems to be happy at the moment. And then I wrote a sentence on it, it says “I pray to got that we’ll never change”. At first I wrote this line just because I want this friendship or sister ship to last forever. On the critique day, the class was commenting about my photograph and the professor thought for a little while and he sees an implication in it. Even though I wrote the line “I pray to god that we’ll never change”, he noticed that there’re a lot of changes in the photograph. And the deep and implying side of them picture is trying to tell people, although how much you don’t want this pretty moments to go, they world’s keep changing anytime, you just need to cherish the moment when you have it.

