2010年10月4日 星期一


Vitasoy is the famous brand of beverage in Hong Kong. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the company, they came out with a collection of 70 new designs in the title of '"Stand by me" for the next 70 years'. I still remember that time when these new collections were released, I was still in the US. I saw quite some friends started posting different designs of the package on facebook and people seemed to be very interested and engaged into this new idea. Every design have a line or a sentence of wishing words or kind words on it, and people can give them to their friends or families as a way to express their feelings. I got few examples of these designs from my friend. Some are really engaging words like "I am stupid and you are an idiot, that's why we are friends.", "I <3 you Dad", "wish you don't sleep at class anymore", "Get a girl friend soon “and many more. 
As a well known beverage branding in Hong Kong, I think Vitasoy did a great job on this new designs as it suits everyone in the society. They make beverage like soy milk, lemon tea, etc which basically the customers target for their drinks are any type of people in the society. In person, these new collection of designs well fit their drinks as those kind works can be said to everyone in the society. The designs are also well combined with words. For instance, the "I <3 you Dad" with the little boy's face and the "get well soon" with the broken leg are both beautifully illustrated. The colorful and simple designs are very straight forward and receiver can get the message directly from first looking at the design.



2010年10月4日 星期一


Vitasoy is the famous brand of beverage in Hong Kong. To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the company, they came out with a collection of 70 new designs in the title of '"Stand by me" for the next 70 years'. I still remember that time when these new collections were released, I was still in the US. I saw quite some friends started posting different designs of the package on facebook and people seemed to be very interested and engaged into this new idea. Every design have a line or a sentence of wishing words or kind words on it, and people can give them to their friends or families as a way to express their feelings. I got few examples of these designs from my friend. Some are really engaging words like "I am stupid and you are an idiot, that's why we are friends.", "I <3 you Dad", "wish you don't sleep at class anymore", "Get a girl friend soon “and many more. 
As a well known beverage branding in Hong Kong, I think Vitasoy did a great job on this new designs as it suits everyone in the society. They make beverage like soy milk, lemon tea, etc which basically the customers target for their drinks are any type of people in the society. In person, these new collection of designs well fit their drinks as those kind works can be said to everyone in the society. The designs are also well combined with words. For instance, the "I <3 you Dad" with the little boy's face and the "get well soon" with the broken leg are both beautifully illustrated. The colorful and simple designs are very straight forward and receiver can get the message directly from first looking at the design.

